Best AI Writing Detectors To Unmask AI-Written Content

Want to know which are the best AI writing detectors to catch those stealthy AI writers? We’ll give you the inside scoop on this.

Ever been haunted by the sneaky suspicion that your go-to content might be a tad robotic? You’re not alone! As artificial intelligence becomes craftier at spinning words together, telling human prose from AI-generated text is becoming quite the brain teaser.

best ai writing detectors

Try these new AI-powered tools:

And let’s be real – no one wants their beautifully crafted essay or epic blog post to get called out for being a product of some clever coding rather than good ol’ human creativity.

Guess what? These AI writing detectors have the uncanny ability to catch AI in the act with an impressive level of accuracy. That’s right, they know if those clever lines were born from a person’s thoughts or cooked up by a smart algorithm.

So, if you’re itching to ensure your words are truly yours (or someone else’s), my roundup of top-notch digital detectives will guide you through the maze of options.

We’ll weigh features, talk shop about accuracy and pricing, and ultimately help you safeguard your work’s originality.

Get ready for some truth-telling tools that’ll keep your content as genuine as grandma’s apple pie!

Article At-A-Glance

  • There are tools like Originality AI and Copyleaks that can spot if the text was written by a person or an AI.
  • GPTZero AI is super easy to use and reliable too, but you might want to try more than one tool to catch all the AI writing.
  • These detectors keep us honest. They make sure we write our own stuff and don’t just copy from someone else or let a robot do it.
  • Some detectors are free, but paying for them usually means better features. Price can depend on how many people use it or how much they use it.
  • Trying out different detectors to see which one works best for you is smart. Look at how accurate they are, how easy they are to work with, how they fit well with other apps you use, and how much they cost.

Best AI Writing Detectors

Alrighty, let’s dive into the deep end of AI writing detectors—those digital Sherlocks that sniff out whether a clever bot or a human brain is behind those snazzy lines of text.

Whether you’re trying to spot the handiwork of an AI or ensure your words are as original as grandma’s secret cookie recipe, there’s a tool waving at you from the virtual shelf saying, “Pick me! Pick me!”

Keep on reading because we’re about to spotlight some top contenders in this cyber game of hide-and-seek.

Copyleaks AI

Copyleaks AI is a sharp tool that sniffs out text written by bots. It’s kind of like a detective, really good at spotting the difference between what a human writes and what comes from a computer.


People love it because it’s super accurate. I mean, imagine having an eagle-eyed buddy who can spot AI-written stuff in no time—that’s Copyleaks for you.

This smart cookie even made it to the list of the 8 Best AI Detection Tools in 2024! And get this: experts have tested it over and over, and they all agree—it works like a charm every time.

Whether you’re worried about someone sneaking in robot words or just want to keep your content real and original, Copyleaks has got your back.

CopyLeaks AI: Learn More »

Originality AI

Okay, let’s talk about Originality AI. Imagine you’re playing detective, but instead of looking for clues at a crime scene, you’re hunting down words written by robots. That’s what Originality AI is all about.


It’s slick at sniffing out stuff that machines have written. We’re talking about fancy computer brains like ChatGPT or GPT-4—this tool can tell if they’ve been doing the writing.

Now picture this: Jonathan Gillham is the brainy guy who made Originality AI, and he really knows his onions. He says it’s super reliable for catching AI-written text.

But he also throws us a curveball – use more than one detector to nail it every time! They built this thing with two goals in mind – help publishers spot robot writers and be top dogs in the industry.

Pretty cool, don’t you think so?

Originality AI: Learn More »


GPTZero AI is making waves as the top dog in sniffing out whether words were spun by a clever language model like ChatGPT. Picture this: you’ve got a piece of writing, and something feels off—like maybe a robot helped cook it up.


That’s where GPTZero steps in, flexing its muscles to figure out if what you’re reading came from a human brain or silicon circuits.

Now, don’t get it twisted because even GPTZero has had its hiccups with false alarms ringing when they shouldn’t. Do you know how tricky it can be telling apart an AI masterpiece from a human-crafted gem?

Now, don’t get it twisted because even GPTZero has had its hiccups with false alarms ringing when they shouldn’t. Do you know how tricky it can be telling apart an AI masterpiece from a human-crafted gem?

Well, GPTZero has been thrown into the spotlight for this exact challenge! It’s become numero uno for writers on high alert for AI sneaking into their turf.

Sure there are bumps along the road, but hey, that’s part of shaking things up in the world of artificial intelligence and content detection!

GPTZero: Learn More »

ContentAtScale AI

ContentAtScale AI is shaking things up for folks who craft words for a living—or just for the love of it. Think about this little gem.


It’s not only about churning out tons and tons of articles. Nope, it’s got brains too! This trusty tool checks if your writing can pass as human or if it screams “robot alert!”

Let’s say you’ve been typing away, and you’re not sure if your work has that human touch.

Just run it through ContentAtScale’s AI Checker. Real quick, you’ll see where you stand—be it with Google peering over your shoulder, or readers hanging on to every word.

Now here comes the real kicker: tips from these wizards can help jazz up what you write. They show you how to dodge those sneaky AI detectors so your content shines bright like a diamond (cue Rihanna!).

Say goodbye to scratching your head wondering why readers aren’t sticking around. With strategies from ContentAtScale, they’ll stick like glue—and maybe even come back for more!

ContentAtScale AI: Learn More »

Winston AI

Moving from ContentAtScale AI, let’s talk about Winston AI. This tool is a champ in the cloud, ready to spot the difference between human and machine writing like a pro. Think of it as your secret agent, scanning texts with its language detection smarts.


Want the best-paid option for sniffing out AI-written words? Winston AI has got you covered.

Now don’t just take my word for it—the folks behind this industry-leading technology are confident their system is top-notch at finding those sneaky AI phrases.

It’s fast, reliable, and known for hitting the mark when figuring out if content came from a bot or a person.

With Winston AI on your side, you can trust that what you’re reading is genuine human thought—no robots allowed!

Winston AI: Learn More »

Comparison Chart Of The Best AI Writing Detectors

Now, let’s dive straight into the nitty-gritty and line up our AI writing detector contenders side by side. Picture this: a neat little table where we play matchmaker between your needs and the best of the best AI detectors out there.

We’re talking Originality AI with its sharp eye for accuracy, Winston AI flexing its muscles with an 84% accuracy score — not too shabby, right?

A showdown of features, ease, and pricing is on the cards. Let me lay it out for you, HTML-style.

Detector Accuracy Ease of Use Integrations Pricing
Copyleaks AI Excellent User-friendly Multiple APIs Subscription-based
Originality AI Excellent Straightforward Limited Pay-as-you-go
GPTZero AI Very Good Simple None yet Free (for now)
ContentAtScale AI Good More for tech-savvy Some integrations Monthly plans
Winston AI Good Pretty intuitive Not too shabby Got a few options

There you have it, a sneak peek into the stats that make these tools tick. Keep in mind, finding the best fit is like picking out shoes — it’s gotta work for you.

So, whether you’re in it for accuracy, ease of use, integration with other tools, or if your wallet’s feeling a bit light these days, there’s something on the table for everyone.

What Are AI Writing Detectors?

Picture a digital Sherlock Holmes—a nifty tool that sniffs out the AI in your words as if it’s on a high-stakes mission to preserve human creativity.

Curious? Keep reading to discover its secrets and more!

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AI Writing Detectors are pretty smart tools. They work like detectives, finding out if a robot or a person wrote something. Imagine someone using a fancy computer program to write an essay.

These detectors can spot it because they know how robots write—they use language models and look for patterns that humans usually don’t use.

So, they’re like the grammar police for AI writing. They check texts to see if the style and words match what an AI might produce or if it’s more likely something a human came up with by thinking hard and being creative.

It’s all about spotting those sneaky robots trying to sound like people!


Types of AI writing detectors are all about catching those sneaky bots that write stuff. You know, when a computer tries to act like a human and write things? Yeah, we have tools to spot that.

  • The first type is called a “language model detector.” You can compare it to a detective who knows how computers talk. These detectors look at the words and say, “Hmm, does this sound like a robot or a person?”
  • Then there’s the “style analysis tool.” This one is pretty cool because it checks how the writing flows. It asks questions like, “Is this too perfect? Are there not enough mistakes?” Yep, sometimes being too good gives you away!
  • A third kind is the “plagiarism checker.” We all know copying is bad, right? Well, these checkers search far and wide on the internet to see if someone just copied someone else’s work.
  • Oh, and let’s not forget “text recognition systems.” They’re like those friends who always notice tiny details. These systems dig into the text and pick up clues that might tell us if it’s machine-made.
  • For something a bit more technical, we’ve got “machine learning classifiers.” Stick with me here – they use big-brain math to learn from tons of writing samples. This helps them get better at telling if something was written by AI.
  • And lastly, we have what’s called “authenticity verifiers.” They go through the writing with a fine-toothed comb looking for signs of fakeness. Like when you can tell your friend bought a fake designer bag because it just doesn’t look right.

How To Choose The Best AI Writing Detector

When it comes to sifting through the digital jungle of AI writing detectors, think about your goals like a chef choosing their trusty knife. You want the one that’ll slice through your content needs with precision—so stay tuned to carve out the best pick for you!

Consider The Specific Needs Of Your Writing

You’ve got a whole bunch of words and ideas you need to check out. Maybe it’s important to know if they came from a real person or an AI. This is where knowing what you really need comes in handy.

Picture this—you’re looking at two different tools, right? One might be great at spotting if text feels too perfect or kinda robotic, like maybe there’s not enough mix-up in how long the sentences are.

That could be a hint that an AI wrote it.

And let’s say you’ve written something and it’s pretty long—like over 1,000 words. You’ll want a tool that can handle all of that without blinking an eye.

And let’s say you’ve written something and it’s pretty long—like over 1,000 words. You’ll want a tool that can handle all of that without blinking an eye.

So take a moment and think about what matters most for your writing. Is it catching those too-perfect patterns or checking big chunks of text? Whatever the need, make sure the detector you pick can tackle the job head-on!

Evaluate Features And Accuracy

Look at what the AI writing detectors can do and how well they do it. Some tools say they find 99.12% of AI-written stuff—that’s huge! But, you’ve got to check if that’s true for the kinds of things you write.

And get this, even the best tools mess up sometimes and flag stuff as AI-made when it’s not—a false positive. So, think about what you really need.

Now let’s talk numbers because let’s face it, nobody likes surprises on their bill. The average accuracy is around 60% for most detectors out there—which isn’t perfect.

Also, keep your eyes peeled for prices too. You don’t want to blow your budget on something fancier than you need.

Seriously, make sure that the detector fits like a glove for your writing tasks before pulling out your wallet!

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Explore Pricing Options

So, you’re on the hunt for an AI writing detector. One big thing to think about is how much cash you’re willing to part with. Some tools let you start for free, which is awesome if you just want to dip your toes in.

Picture this: you can often try out features and do a few checks without spending a dime. But let’s say you need more power behind your proofreading or content checks—then it’s time to look at paid plans.

Now, every tool has its own price tag story. Take for example. It asks for $18 a month from each user—which isn’t too shabby considering what it can do!

Other services might charge based on how much content you scan or offer unlimited checks for a flat monthly fee.

The key is finding the sweet spot between what you need and what’s friendly on your wallet. See which ones blend well with your workflow, whether that’s checking grammar and syntax or making sure no one else is speaking in your voice online.

Importance Of Using AI Writing Detectors

AI writing detectors are super important these days. They make sure what you read and write is real, done by humans, not just a computer pretending to be one.

Imagine reading a story that feels like it was written by your friend but turns out it was all made up by a machine – kind of weird, right? That’s why we need tools that can tell the difference.

These detectors are smart since they use language recognition technology to look at words and sentences really closely. They’re on the lookout for stuff that doesn’t sound quite human or seems too perfect.

This helps keep everything honest and true in schools, jobs, and when you share things online. It’s all about keeping the human touch alive in what we say and write!

Navigating The World Of The Best AI Writing Detectors

So, we’ve talked about all these cool tools to spot AI writing. Let’s wrap our heads around what you can do next.

Think about trying out a couple like Originality AI or Copyleaks. They’re real champs at finding sneaky AI words hiding in your text.

You want the best? Go for accuracy and ease—Winston came out on top with big points there.

Now, ask yourself how this might make things better for you. Maybe it saves time or makes sure your stuff is really yours.

Imagine feeling sure that no robot words snuck into your work! And if money’s tight, look at their prices because some are pretty friendly on the wallet.

Now, keeping our words human and genuine matters a lot! It’s cool knowing that whatever you write screams ‘you’.

So go ahead, pick an AI detector that feels right and dive in! If it helps even just a little bit, then we’re winning!


1. What’s the top AI writing detector out there?

Grammarly is super popular—it can spot those sneaky grammar mistakes.

2. Can a writing detector tell if I wrote something or if it was AI?

You bet, some detectors are like detectives, sniffing out if a computer helped with your homework.

3. Are these detectors easy to use?

Oh yeah, just copy and paste your text, hit check, and boom—you’ll know in no time.

4. Do I have to pay for these AI writing detectors?

Some are free as the air we breathe, while others might cost a few bucks—but they’re worth it!

5. Will using an AI detector make my writing better?

Totally! It’s as if you have a mini-teacher in your computer pointing out all the oopsies so you can fix ’em up nice and neat.

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