In this day and age, it’s crucial you know how to tell if an essay was written by ChatGPT.
Ever read an essay and thought, “Was this penned by a person or some AI like ChatGPT?” You’re not alone; it’s crossed my mind a bunch of times too.

Here’s your one-stop guide to sniffing out if ChatGPT had its digital hands in the cookie jar of that essay you’re reading.
Table Of Contents
Article At-A-Glance
- Get the insider scoop on how to tell if essays got a helping hand from ChatGPT. We’re talkin’ AI detection tools like Originality.AI, Undetectable.AI, GPTZero, and Content at Scale AI Detector.
- Check out the tells – like going in circles, sounding like a broken record, getting all weird with words, or not making a lick of sense.
- Experts have spilled the beans: compare with ChatGPT’s known handiwork, look at the writing style, and check for any sneaky signs.
- But heads up, no guarantees you’ll always nail it. AI’s getting smarter every day.
AI Detection Tools to Catch ChatGPT Red-Handed
Thinking about how to tell if an essay was written by ChatGPT can give anyone a headache. But chill, we’ve got some nifty AI detection tools to make things a breeze.
There’s a handful of these AI sniffer dogs out there, like,, GPTZero, and Content at Scale’s AI Detector.‘s the real MVP if you’re trying to spot the difference between what’s human and what’s AI.
This bad boy’s main mission? Keeping an eye out for anything ChatGPT might churn out, and letting you take a deep dive into the content.
With AI trying to fly under the radar, tools like this become clutch.
With AI trying to fly under the radar, tools like this become clutch. Even the big dogs like Turnitin are getting the scent of ChatGPT’s reworded stuff, making super handy for keeping things legit online.
Now here’s a star player – This tool’s top-notch at playing “spot the AI”, especially when it comes to essays that might have been cooked up by ChatGPT.
Picture this: a tool laser-focused on sniffing out anything AI’s been cooking. Boom! That’s Undetectable.AI for you.
But guess what? Some clever folks have found loopholes to give these detectors the slip. There’s some sneaky ways to mask content from AIs like ChatGPT. It’s like a tech tug-of-war out here!
Enter GPTZero – the new kid on the block making waves in the hunt for AI content. Crafted to catch things like “perplexity” and “burstiness”, it’s our go-to to check if an essay’s the handiwork of humans or ChatGPT.
With the rush to spot AI vs. human text, GPTZero’s kinda leading the charge.
The cherry on top? Some savvy college kid whipped up an app using GPTZero to spot any text that might have been dreamed up by AI.
Cool beans, right?
Content At Scale AI Detector
The team at Content at Scale have rolled out an AI detector that’s got the chops to figure out if an essay or any text was whipped up by ChatGPT or if a human was behind the wheel.
This tool’s been schooled on billions of examples, making it a whiz at picking out AI-crafted prose from the real deal
This tool’s been schooled on billions of examples, making it a whiz at picking out AI-crafted prose from the real deal.
When the rubber hit the road in tests, this service showed it’s got the goods, doing a stand-up job of telling apart human-penned content from the AI-generated stuff.
This new kid on the block is all set to give folks a trusty way to suss out ChatGPT’s handiwork in essays and other writings.
Tips On How To Tell If An Essay Was Written By ChatGPT
If you’re scratching your head wondering if ChatGPT had a hand in an essay, keep your eyes peeled for patterns and odd ducks in the writing style.
Stick around to get the scoop on other giveaways and pro tips for spotting the signs of ChatGPT in action!
Patterns And Odd Ducks
If an essay’s got a bunch of patterns and weird shifts, that might be ChatGPT’s calling card.
The way ChatGPT’s brain ticks is it picks up on patterns and spits out responses accordingly. That can lead to a kind of broken record effect with the language it uses.
Get out your magnifying glass and look for those rinse-and-repeat phrases or ideas that have ChatGPT written all over them.
And don’t miss the odd ducks, like when the logic goes haywire or the tone takes a left turn out of nowhere.
These oddities could be ChatGPT trying to pass off as Shakespeare.
Same Old, Same Old
Another red flag with ChatGPT’s essays is they can be a bit of a one-trick pony, lacking that special sauce that makes an essay pop.
It’s like ChatGPT just raids the cookie jar of existing info without throwing in any new treats.
This could throw educators and readers into a tizzy over potential rip-offs, not to mention flouting the sacred rules of academia.
Shining a light on this lack of originality is also a rallying cry for championing the cause of independent thought and critical thinking in writing.
Odd Writing Style Or Lingo
Another trick to tell if ChatGPT had its fingers in the pie is to look at the way the words hit the page.
The tech behind ChatGPT can sometimes churn out text that’s got a funky rhythm or just sounds off, like it’s missing a layer of depth.
The tech behind ChatGPT can sometimes churn out text that’s got a funky rhythm or just sounds off, like it’s missing a layer of depth.
So, if you want to play detective and figure out if ChatGPT’s been up to its old tricks, keep a weather eye out for these telltale signs.
Incoherent Or Irrelevant Information
When trying to pin down if an essay was penned by ChatGPT, a big giveaway can be some out-of-left-field info.
This means the content might feel like it’s out in left field or doesn’t jive with the main topic.
ChatGPT sometimes misses the mark on nailing down facts or even whips up some of its own, so you might end up with stuff that feels a bit off.
Essays, where ChatGPT’s been pulling the strings, can leave readers scratching their heads.
Keep an eagle eye on the info that’s being dished out. Make sure it lines up with the facts and doesn’t go off the rails.
Detective Tips to Spot ChatGPT’s Handiwork
When you’re on the hunt to figure out if an essay’s been touched by ChatGPT, there’s some handy advice out there.
The pros recommend checking the essay against known ChatGPT pieces, giving the writing style and word choices a once-over, and scouting for any sneaky AI stamps.
Let’s dive deeper into these strategies.
Cross-Reference With Known ChatGPT Outputs
Whenever I get the feeling an essay might be ChatGPT’s doing, I line it up next to some of ChatGPT’s confirmed pieces.
Doing a side-by-side can give you a feel for how ChatGPT rolls, from its style to its quirks.
For a solid comparison, keep these pointers in mind:
- Match up the rhythm. See if the essay and ChatGPT’s pieces have the same vibe in how sentences and paragraphs are built.
- Get down to word choices. Peek at the kind of lingo used in both pieces. Keep tabs on any patterns or oddball phrases that pop up.
- Connect the dots on common themes. If there are topics that keep cropping up in both the essay and ChatGPT’s work, it might be a tip-off.
- Hunt for any sneaky signs. Keep an eye out for any tags or signs hinting at AI shenanigans in the essay.
Getting A Feel For The Writing Groove And Word Play
When trying to puzzle out if ChatGPT’s behind an essay, really zone in on the writing groove and the choice of words. Things to be on the lookout for:
- Phrases or thoughts that sound like a broken record.
- Wonky grammar or sentence builds.
- Words that seem out of place or don’t quite gel with the topic.
- An essay that zigzags without a clear direction.
Looking For AI’s Telltale Marks
A solid move I always make is scouting for a watermark or an AI “I was here” stamp to see if ChatGPT was the brains behind an essay.
Some AI writing tools slap on these badges, giving away their game.
For instance, chatter has it that OpenAI’s watermark is one telltale sign of AI-crafted content.
For instance, chatter has it that OpenAI’s watermark is one telltale sign of AI-crafted content.
Doing a thorough once-over of the essay for these sorts of hints can spill the beans on whether ChatGPT had a hand in the mix.
Spotting the ChatGPT Telltale Signs in Essays
Wondering how to tell if an essay was written by ChatGPT? Well, there are tools out there like and that can give you a solid hint. But sometimes, you’ve gotta trust your gut and look for those classic ChatGPT clues.
Keep an eye out for things that scream “ChatGPT’s handiwork” like wonky patterns in the writing, stuff that sounds kind of recycled, or a writing style that just feels… off.
Here are some pro moves to help you nail down if ChatGPT’s been messing with your essay:
- Double-check it against known ChatGPT pieces – see if they’re kinda twinning in style or vibe.
- Dive deep into the writing flow and choice of words. ChatGPT sometimes leaves breadcrumbs, like repeating the same thought or getting a bit lost in the topic.
- And, don’t skip this: scour the essay for any watermarks or AI footprints. It’s like when someone leaves a fingerprint at a crime scene. That could be the giveaway you need!
Just remember, no method’s bulletproof. But with these pointers, you’ll be a step closer to spotting if ChatGPT’s been playing ghostwriter.

Meet our resident tech wizard, Steve the AI Guy. Now, before you get any wild ideas, let’s clear up one thing – he’s 100% human! I mean, he’s got the work history to prove it. He spent a decade diving into the deep end of the tech industry doing business intelligence work, splashing around with two of the world’s largest business consulting companies, Deloitte and Ernst & Young. Learn More